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Get New AD0-E704 Exam Questions To Prepare For Adobe Commerce Architect Certification Exam

Aug 09,2022

Many IT professionals want to acquire a respectable job by passing the AD0-E704 exam to be Adobe Certified Master - Adobe Commerce Architect certified. But most of them are worried about passing the Adobe certification AD0-E704 exam easily and smoothly. Today, we are so glad to share good news online that Killtest has released new AD0-E704 exam questions online to help you prepare for the Adobe Certified Master - Adobe Commerce Architect AD0-E704 exam well. The newest AD0-E704 exam questions contain the latest questions and answers, which were collected by the top team of Killtest. They spent a lot time and energy to learn all the Adobe Certified Master - Adobe Commerce Architect AD0-E704 exam objectives for collecting all the actual questions and verifying the answers to ensure that you can pass the AD0-E704 Adobe certification exam. 

New AD0-E704 Exam Questions | Killtest

AD0-E704 is the Master-level exam of Adobe Commerce certification

Before attending the actual Adobe Certified Master - Adobe Commerce Architect AD0-E704 exam, you will be highly recommended to know clearly about the Adobe certification exams and AD0-E704 exam details. In our previous article, which introduced the Adobe AD0-E213 practice questions, we have listed that there are 13 Adobe certification categories, each category has three levels, including Adobe Certified Professional, Adobe Certified Expert and Adobe Certified Master. The AD0-E704 Adobe Certified Master - Adobe Commerce Architect exam is the Adobe certified master exam of Adobe Commerce certification as the picture shown:

Adobe Commerce Certification Exams (AD0-E704)

Actual AD0-E704 exam contains 60 real exam questions, candidates need to answer all of them in 120 minutes, and they need to achieve success by answering at least 38 questions correctly. Adobe Certified Master - Adobe Commerce Architect AD0-E704 exam is for a senior Magento 2 developer/architect with 2 years of experience in customizing different areas of Magento Commerce, leading teams of Magento developers, leading projects, making key technical decisions on a Magento project, and working with customers to build project requirements. The actual AD0-E704 exam will mainly test your skills in the following sections:

Section 1: Magento Architecture (6%)

1.1 Determine advanced uses of the Magento configuration system

1.2 Demonstrate an ability to design complex customizations using plugins and di.xml

1.3 Demonstrate understanding of Magento events processing

1.4 Demonstrate an ability to use the Magento command-line interface

Section 2: Magento UI (7%)

2.1 Demonstrate understanding UiComponents architecture

2.2 Demonstrate advanced use of Magento layouts

2.3 Demonstrate an ability to operate with Magento blocks and templates

Section 3: Working with Databases (14%)

3.1 Demonstrate understanding of the architectural layers of the database access classes, including models, repositories, and data mappers

3.2 Demonstrate understanding of the staging workflow

3.3 Demonstrate an ability to use different types of setup scripts in Magento

Section 4: Using the Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) Model (10%)

4.1 Describe the EAV data access process in Magento

4.2 Describe the database tables for EAV entities and how to create them

4.3 Demonstrate an ability to operate with attribute options

4.4 Demonstrate an ability to use non-catalog EAV entities

Section 5: Developing with Adminhtml (5%)

5.1 Demonstrate ability to use ACL

5.2 Demonstrate understanding of the admin login process and admin actions processing

5.3 Demonstrate an ability to create complex forms and grids

Section 6: Customizing the Catalog (23%)

6.1 Demonstrate an ability to understand and customize Magento products

6.2 Demonstrate an ability to perform complex operations with the Magento pricing framework

6.3 Customize catalog price rules

6.4 Determine how to use Magento categories

6.5 Demonstrate an understanding of catalog indexers

6.6 Demonstrate understanding of catalog staging and its impact on the system

6.7 Demonstrate an understanding of the product search framework

6.8 Demonstrate understanding of importing products and categories in Magento

Section 7: Customizing the Checkout Process (17%)

7.1 Understand the Magento quote architecture and customizing quote-related functionality

7.2 Demonstrate an ability to customize and extend the checkout process

7.3 Create and debug shipping and payment methods in Magento

Section 8: Magento Commerce Features (13%)

8.1 Demonstrate an ability to use message queues

8.2 Demonstrate understanding of customer segmentation

8.3 Demonstrate understanding of advanced capabilities in Magento Commerce

8.4 Demonstrate understanding of target rules

Section 9: Understanding Magento Security (5%)

9.1 Demonstrate understanding of frontend security with Magento

9.2 Demonstrate understanding Adminhtml security with Magento

9.3 Demonstrate understanding of different types of attacks and preventing them with Magento

New AD0-E704 exam questions of Killtest are based on the exam sections and items. Killtest gives you a direction and equips you with sufficient knowledge to help you understand the Adobe AD0-E704 exam topics and objectives. After practicing with Adobe AD0-E704 exam questions you can easily evaluate your exam readiness. This is how you can make your Adobe Certified Master - Adobe Commerce Architect AD0-E704 exam preparation perfect. The newest Adobe certification AD0-E704 exam questions by Killtest comes in 2 easy to use formats: Adobe AD0-E704 PDF Questions and Adobe AD0-E704 Practice Exam Software to help you evaluate yourself for the Adobe AD0-E704 exam. We recommend you to choose both the AD0-E704 pdf file and software to make sure you can practice all these AD0-E704 exam questions and answers thoroughly.

Read Adobe Certified Master - Adobe Commerce Architect AD0-E704 Free Demo Questions First

We are listed the Adobe Certified Master - Adobe Commerce Architect AD0-E704 free demo questions for reading before getting the new AD0-E704 exam questions to prepare for the Adobe Certified Master - Adobe Commerce Architect certification exam:

Suppose you are asked to disable/remove the customer review related functionalities. You can not disable the review module directly because the customer module depends on it.

What is the possible way to remove all HTML outputs of the review module, from the frontend and backend?

A. Turn-off Review module output globally by extending <Magento_install_dir>/vendor/magento/module-backend/etc/config.xml

B. Turn-off Review module output globally by extending <Magento_install_dir>/vendor/magento/module-backend/etc/module.xml

C. Create plugin or Override the

class \Magento\Framework\View\Element\AbstractBlock and toHtml() method, and implement the logic to return empty data in case of review module’s block instance is present.

D. Create plugin or Override the

class \Magento\Backend\Block\Template and isOutputEnabled() method, and implement the logic to return false value in case of review module’s block instance is present.

Answer: A

Suppose in a store there are 500 categories and it's increasing as per the need. Let's say your frontend developer asked you to modify the header and include CSS files on some specific category pages based on the custom category attribute selection from backend.

What should be the acceptable and easiest way to do this, so that no new file creation and code update will be required after implementation:

A. create a new layout XML file for the category called catalog_category_view.xml and add the layout modification code

B. create a new layout XML file for the category called catalog_category_view_selectable_<Category ID>_CustomLayout.xml

and assign it to the needed categories from backend, and add the layout modification code in it.

C. create a custom layout handle for the category using observer layout_load_before and add the layout modification code

D. create a custom layout handle for the category using observer layout_load_after and add the layout modification code

Answer: C

Consider below code in a UiComponent xml file: Magedeal\Employee\Ui\DataProvider\Employee\DataProvider employee_data_source entity_id id

What is the application of?

A. The class attribute defines DataProvider class which is the primary source of any data or metadata that the component needs or will use.

B. This references a PHP class that must implement \Magento\Framework\View\Element\UiComponent\DataProvider\DataProviderInterface. And it can also extend or implement the \Magento\Ui\DataProvider\ModifierPoolDataProvider

C. The class attribute defines UiComponent class which is the primary source of any data or metadata that the component needs or will use.

D. This references a PHP class that must implement \Magento\Framework\View\Element\UiComponent\DataProvider\UiComponentInterface. And it can also extend or implement the \Magento\Ui\DataProvider\ModifierPoolDataProvider

Answer: AB

Suppose you are working on a specific uicomponet form where front-end customers can update their name and phone number only when the admin user sets the editable_field_flag to 1 for his submitted data from the backend.

According to this flag, when loading the data in the form for front-end users, how would you check and customize to enable/disable the name and phone number fields?

A. In uicomponet xml, under fieldset node, include the Form Provider Javascript component “Magento_Ui/js/form/provider” and extend it to customize the specific fields when data is being populated by it.

B. In uicomponet xml, under fieldset node, include the Form Provider Javascript component “Magento_Ui/js/form/dataProvider” and extend it to customize the specific fields when data is being populated by it.

C. In uicomponet xml, under DataSource node, include the Form Provider Javascript component “Magento_Ui/js/form/provider” and extend it to customize the specific fields when data is being populated by it.

D. In uicomponet xml, under DataSource node, include the Form Provider Javascript component “Magento_Ui/js/form/dataProvider” and extend it to customize the specific fields when data is being populated by it.

Answer: C

Suppose you are building an inquiry form using uicomponent. It has a feature that customer can edit the submitted data later if he wants to edit.

What should the logic here to implement, in order to enable the form for re-edit:

A. DataProvider class provides execute() method which is responsible for data loading.

B. DataProvider class provides getDataSourceData() method which is responsible for data loading.

C. DataProvider class provides prepare() method which is responsible for data loading.

D. DataProvider class provides getData() method which is responsible for data loading.

Answer: D

Suppose you need to add a custom css file in layout XML in such a way that it should load asynchronously to improve the page load performance.

What is the correct attribute for this?

A. async

B. defer

C. rel

D. ie_condition

Answer: B

You defined a custom layout file 1column-2footers.xml under /view/frontend/layouts.xml. Now, what is the conventional path to creating the custom layout file 1column-2footers.xml?

A. <module_dir>/view/frontend/page_layout

B. <module_dir>/view/frontend/layout

C. <module_dir>/etc/frontend/page_layout/

D. <module_dir>/etc/frontend/layout

Answer: A

Suppose you need to add an admin grid using uiComponent. if page URL ends with banners/index/index, then which basic uiComponent you would use and what should be the page layout file:

A. We can not define uiComponent file in a page-layout file.

B. Form component in the banner_index_index.xml

C. Listing component in the banner_index_index.xml

D. Grid component in the banner_index_index.xml

Answer: C

Consider below command: bin/magento dev:theme:create frontend vendor themename Please select correct options based on it (choose 2):

A. dev is subject and

frontend is a subject area argument

B. dev is group and

frontend is a subject area argument

C. theme is subject and

create is an action

D. theme is group and

create is an action

Answer: BC

0 belongs to any of them

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AD0-E704 Practice Exam Q&A: 89 Updated: May 19,2024

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