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Adobe Experience Manager Dev/Ops Engineer AD0-E106 Practice Exam Updated

Aug 20,2020

Take and pass AD0-E106 Adobe Experience Manager Dev/Ops Engineer exam to complete Adobe Certified Expert - Adobe Experience Manager Dev/Ops Engineer certification. We have updated the most valid Adobe Experience Manager Dev/Ops Engineer AD0-E106 Practice Exam with 54 practice exam questions and answers on August 19, 2020. As one candidate who decided to take AD0-E106 exam with valid online resource, you will be strongly recommend to choose Killtest great Adobe AD0-E106 practice exam. The professional team have verified all the AD0-E106 exam questions and answers, they promise that Adobe Experience Manager Dev/Ops Engineer AD0-E106 Practice Exam at Killtest are the key to your success.


Updated AD0-E106 Practice Exam


Adobe AD0-E106 Exam Is The Replacement OF 9A0-397 For AEM Dev/Ops Engineer Expert Certification


Adobe Certified Expert - Adobe Experience Manager Dev/Ops Engineer certification is a hot Adobe certification, which acknowledges your established expertise to help current and future business clients succeed. It mainly aimed at many candidates, such as:

● DevOps Specialist

● Operations Specialist

● Senior Technical Consultant

● Technical Operations Specialist

● Team Lead of Infrastructure Engineering

● System Engineer

● Application Engineer


Before, you will be required to pass 9A0-397 exam to complete Adobe Certified Expert - Adobe Experience Manager Dev/Ops Engineer certification. However, Adobe 9A0-397 exam has been retired, now you need to take and pass new required exam, AD0-E106 Adobe Experience Manager Dev/Ops Engineer certification exam smoothly. 


Adobe Experience Manager Dev/Ops Engineer AD0-E106 exam is available in English and Japanese currently. It is releated to the Adobe Certified Expert level, which requires you answer 54 real questions in 108 minutes. With Killtest updated Adobe Experience Manager Dev/Ops Engineer AD0-E106 Practice Exam, you can pass AD0-E106 Adobe certification exam successfully with scores more than 64.81% or 550 using a scaled score format of 300 to 700.


Adobe AD0-E106 Exam Requires You To Have Minimum Candidate Experience and Master Skills


A candidate, who is seeking to become a certified in Adobe Experience Manager Dev/Ops Engineer AD0-E106 exam, should have minimum candidate experience as follows:

● At least 2 years of experience installing, configuring, monitoring, operating, and troubleshooting AEM (V6.3 and higher)

● Configure Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment tasks

Also, as a candidate who are planning for AD0-E106 Adobe certification exam, you should master the skills as the exam sections shown:
Section 1: Install and Configure AEM (24%)
Section 2: Troubleshoot AEM Environments (22%)
Section 3: Install and configure Dispatcher (13%)
Section 4: Build and Deployments (15%)
Section 5: Maintenance and Operations (26%)

Check AD0-E106 Free Exam Demo Questions To Verify Adobe Experience Manager Dev/Ops Engineer AD0-E106 Practice Exam

The updated Adobe Experience Manager Dev/Ops Engineer AD0-E106 Practice Exam has already got everything you need. Our team developed Adobe AD0-E106 exam questions with contributions from the reputable Adobe professionals all over the world. We also review and update the Adobe AD0-E106 exam questions answers regularly to keep the Adobe AD0-E106 exam questions and answers relevant to the most current Adobe Experience Manager Dev/Ops Engineer Exam. You can check Adobe AD0-E106 free exam demo questions to verift Killtest AD0-E106 practice exam.

A DevOps Engineer has cloned an environment, and configurations must be adjusted for the environment to function correctly. Due to the cloning, the domain and IPs changed during the process.
Specifically for content activation, which two parts of the configurations must be altered? (Choose two.)
A. The user of the flush agents
B. The transport URI of the replication agents
C. The transport URI of the flush agents
D. The transport URI of the dispatcher configuration
E. The user of the static content agent
Answer: BC

An html page is published and is accessible through the dispatcher.
A client is trying to access the updated page but is not getting the updated content.
- A rule /type “allow” /glob “*.html” is present in the dispatcher /cache /rules configuration
- The HTTP header “Cache-Control: max-age=3600” is set for all requests with the html extension
- The /invalidate section is not set in the dispatcher configuration
- A flush agent is configured on the publish instance
- A CDN is serving all static content including html files and was flushed manually
Why does the content fail to update on the client side?
A. The file was cached on the client side in the browser cache.
B. There is no /invalidate section present in the dispatcher configuration to invalidate the updated content.
C. The flush occurred before the content was replicated because there are a lot of items in the queue.
D. The content is still cached in the dispatcher after the CDN flush.
Answer: C

After which maintenance processes can a datastore garbage collection achieve the most regain of disk space?
A. Re-index
B. Compaction
C. Version purge
D. Workflow purge
Answer: B

A DevOps Engineer configures a delay in the out of the box online backup.
What is the result of a delay that is too large?
A. Excessive reads of the repository occur.
B. The backup takes more than 24 hours.
C. The CPU usage is reduced too much.
D. Too many file writes occur.
Answer: B

A DevOps Engineer is configuring a non production deployment pipeline. The code quality is checked in the build pipeline. A security check is configured in the deployment pipeline to identify any major security issues before a production deployment.
Which other check should be executed before deployment to production?
A. A dispatcher invalidation rule check for replication functionality
B. An OSGi configuration validity check for the new release
C. A sling models validation check for the new release
D. A performance check for the actual release functionality
Answer: D

In what two ways can a DevOps Engineer install a content package? (Choose two.)
A. Store the content package in the crx-quickstart/install folder in the filesystem
B. Store the content package in the crx-quickstart/app folder in the filesystem
C. Use CRX Package Manager
D. Upload the package to /content/dam and start the InstallPackageWorkflow
E. Upload the package through the OSGi console
Answer: AC

Which gate needs to be passed after the code is deployed?
A. Performance test gate
B. Compilation test gate
C. Unit test gate
D. Code quality test gate
Answer: D

A DevOps Engineer notices that the disk usage for an AEM author instance is constantly going up.
Upon further investigation, it is revealed:
- Online Compaction is unable to complete revision cleanup task during thedaily maintenance window
- Segment Store Size has gone up from 8 GB to 13 GB
- The following message is logged in the error.log file
Canceling RevisionGC. The task was either stopped by the user or theMaintenance Window reached its end- Lucene Binaries Cleanup task completed successfully during the daily maintenance window
What additional step can be performed during the weekly maintenance window to reduce the overall disk usage?
A. Invoke startRevisionGC()for SegmentRevisionGarbageCollectionmbean in the JMX console
B. Invoke startBlobGC(boolean markOnly, boolean forceBlobIdRetrieve)for BlobGarbageCollectionmbean in the JMX console
C. Set full compaction schedule property for com.adobe.granite.maintenance.crx.impl.RevisionCleanupTaskto a preferred day
D. Set the job.topicsproperty for com.adobe.granite.maintenance.crx.impl.DataStoreGarbageCollectionTaskto com/adobe/granite/maintenance/job/DataStoreGarbageCollectionTask
Answer: B

How should a DevOps Engineer perform an AEM upgrade that preserves versions and workflows?
A. Put the updated AEM quickstart jar in the install folder and restart AEM in upgrade mode
B. Install the updated version of AEM using the package manager
C. Perform an in-place upgrade of the AEM instance
D. Set up a new AEM instance and copy the content with content packages
Answer: C

A DevOps Engineer needs to change the default size for a tar file to 512 MB.
Which option should be used to enable this configuration?
A. Set Segment Cache Sizeproperty to 512 in Oak Segment TAR NodeStore Serviceconfiguration in Webconsole
B. Set tarmk.sizeproperty to 512 in org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.SegmentNodeStoreService.configfile
C. Set NodeState Cacheproperty to 512 in Apache Jackrabbit Oak Document NodeStoreServiceconfiguration in Webconsole
D. Set changesSizeproperty to 512 in org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.DocumentNodeStoreService.config file
Answer: D

0 belongs to any of them

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AD0-E106 Practice Exam Q&A: 54 Updated: October 12,2020

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