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HCIP-Storage V5.0 H13-624-ENU Practice Questions [2022] To Prepare H13-624-ENU Exam Well

May 09,2022

In brief, HCIP-Storage V5.0 H13-624-ENU Practice Questions [2022] of Killtest must be a finest resource to help you prepare for HCIP-Storage H13-624-ENU exam well. It must be the top-rated H13-624-ENU preparation materials, which can be read in pdf file and testing engine that ensure your success in HCIP-Storage certification exam. Killtest HCIP-Storage V5.0 H13-624-ENU Practice Questions [2022] are here to help you succeed on the Huawei HCIP-Storage exam. Use Killtest Huawei H13-624-ENU exam questions to review for the real test and ensure you are prepared for HCIP-Storage exam. Studying the Huawei H13-624-ENU questions and answers can help you get a better score. The Huawei H13-624-ENU practice questions may cause you to suffer in developing your planning level if not used on a regular basis. 

Huawei H13-624-ENU Practice Questions - Killtest

HCIP-Storage V5.0 Is The Current Version For All Candidates

Many candidates and students are interested in Killtest H13-624-ENU Practice Questions, so they want to confirm that if Killtest online resource of Huawei H13-624-ENU exam are related. Before talking about Killtest Huawei H13-624-ENU practice exam questions, we can have a overview in Huawei Storage certification. As one of Huawei ICT Infrastructure certifications, Huawei Storage has three levels, including HCIA-Storage, HCIP-Storage and HCIE-Storage.


HCIA-Storage certification is the associate level, which is for those who want to be storage engineer, who want to achieve HCIA-Storage certification and administrator of storage array. The current version of HCIA-Storage certification is V4.5. With HCIA-Storage V4.5 certification, you will understand and master the knowledge and skills about storage technology trends, storage systems architecture, storage basic technologies, storage common advanced technologies, storage service continuity solutions, and basic O&M management of storage systems; are able to deploy, operate, maintain and manage storage systems; are competent for enterprise storage engineers, IT technical support and other positions.

To earn HCIA-Storage V4.5 certification successfully, candidates should understand basic network knowledge, computer components, and the basic knowledge of the Windows and Linux operating systems. Then they are required to answer H13-611_V4.5 exam successfully.


The HCIP-Storage is the professional level, which requires to have an active HCIA-Storage certification as the prerequisite. The current version of HCIP-Storage is V5.0. Candidates can earn the HCIA-Storage V5.0 certification to prove that they understand and master the knowledge about storage product technologies, principles and application scenarios of storage advanced features, and skills about planning and design, deployment and implementation, management and O&M, as well as troubleshooting of storage systems; which enables you to be competent for enterprise storage system administrator, senior engineer, IT senior technical support and other positions.

HCIP-Storage V5.0 certification requires to answer H13-624 exam successfully. Huawei H13-624-ENU Practice Questions of Killtest are available in English, which are top-related HCIP-Storage V5.0 exam objectives and outlines. Considering how important it is to have the most up-to-date H13-624-ENU exam questions and study guide, we make sure that Huawei H13-624-ENU practice exam questions of Killtest are always updated to reflect the most recent changes to the Huawei HCIP-Storage V5.0 exam. 


HCIE-Storage is the expert level, which version is V2.5 for people who want to become experts in the storage industry and people who want to obtain the HCIE-Storage certification, such as data center storage system architects, ICT professionals, and Huawei channel engineers, etc. HCIE-Storage certification requires to have the prerequisites as follows:

● At least 3 years of hands-on experience in storage is recommended. 

● At least 5 years of storage data analysis experience is recommended. 

● Experience and expertise in Huawei storage service designing, storage solution building, maintaining and tuning are recommended.

Candidates who have completed the HCIP-Storage certification can go on planning for HCIE-Storage certification. They needs to pass two exams:

▲ H13-629 HCIE-Storage(Written)

▲ H13-636 HCIE-Storage(Lab)

For all holders, with HCIE-Storage V2.5 certification, you will have a good command of key technical principles, planning and design processes, deployment implementation methods and tools, performance tuning principles, advanced O&M management, and troubleshooting of typical storage solutions, such as storage backup, active-passive DR, active-active DR, and storage data migration; are able to design, manage, build and develop high availability storage solutions; which makes you competent to be a storage solution expert, storage architect and other positions.

HCIP-Storage V5.0 H13-624-ENU Practice Questions [2022] Exam Features

Exam Code: H13-624-ENU

Exam Vendor: Huawei

Exam Certification: HCIP-Storage

Exam Name: HCIP-Storage V5.0

Exam Version: V11.02

Exam Q&As: 996

Available Formats: PDF File & Testing Engine

Get H13-624-ENU Practice Questions To Pass HCIP-Storage V5.0 Certification Exam

It is highly recommended to get H13-624-ENU practice questions of Killtest to pass HCIP-Storage V5.0 certification exam. It is very critical to opt for the right Huawei H13-624-ENU exam questions and answers in order to pass the Huawei HCIP-Storage V5.0 Exam with perfection. These H13-624-ENU exam questions are prepared by the top experts in the market who have best knowledge and skills to let the candidates achieve success in HCIP-Storage V5.0 Exam.

Also, at Killtest, the customers have one year free update. To see whether there are any updates to the Huawei H13-624-ENU practice questions, you can begin to study the free H13-624-ENU exam demo questions. Prior to requesting Huawei H13-624-ENU practice exam, you can read H13-624-ENU exam demo questions to check the Huawei HCIP-Storage V5.0 H13-624-ENU practice questions [2022]. You'll learn everything you need to know about the Huawei H13-624-ENU exam questons in this demo version below.  

Huawei's hyper-converged storage uses the structure of distributed storage logic. Which of the following is the function of the OSD module?

A. Provide standard SCSI/iSCSI services for VMs and databases

B. Provide hard disk management

C. CHASH partition

D. Provide management of storage cluster status

Answer: D

Company A plans to adopt hyper-convergence to realize the rapidly changing information needs of the enterprise. Which of the following items are the architectural features of hyper-convergence?

A. Business-centric Scale-Out architecture

B. Data-centric Scale-Up architecture

C. Data-centric Scale-Out architecture

D. Computing-centric Scale-Up architecture

Answer: A

Huawei hybrid flash storage adopts the structure of RAID 2.0+ software architecture, which realizes the virtualization of the underlying media and the virtualization of the upper-level resources, and at the same time solves the problem of rapid data reconstruction and intelligent allocation of resources.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

A multinational company has a huge business, with customer business data scattered in multiple locations, and the distance between locations is greater than 1000 km. The company hopes to centrally manage the backup data of each site, so that users can analyze and mine all data without affecting normal business, and any business site suffers a disaster, the company can take over the business and perform data recovery.

In this case, which disaster recovery backup solution the enterprise should choose?

A. Central disaster recovery and backup solution, synchronous remote replication is selected between the business site and the central site

B. Two-site three-center solution, with asynchronous remote replication between sites

C. Two-site three-center solution, with synchronous remote replication between sites

D. Central disaster recovery and backup solution, asynchronous remote replication is selected between the business site and the central site

Answer: A

A company has a variety of services such as database applications, OLTP applications, mail service applications, and Web server applications. In which of the following service scenarios does the SmartCache feature not significantly improve performance?

A. Mail service reading business

B. Web server log business

C. Database analysis business

D. OLTP data query business

Answer: B

The HyperLock (WORM) feature of Huawei Storage allows the file to write data only once, cannot be written repeatedly, and is not allowed to be modified, deleted, or renamed.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

A company purchased a set of Huawei distributed storage and used QoS flow control technology to control the user's I/O when deploying block services. Which mechanism can be used to manage the I/O queue?

A. Token bucket

B. File bucket

C. Data bucket

D. Object bucket

Answer: A

The QoS characteristics of the object service, for applications with different priorities, different buckets can be configured, and the TPS of the buckets and the allocation of bandwidth resources can be controlled through QoS; different QoS policies can be configured for VIP tenants and ordinary tenants in the same system to ensure the quality of service for high-priority tenants.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

A company purchased multiple sets of Huawei distributed storage, deployed them in multiple data centers, and used object service remote replication to build a disaster recovery system. These distributed storages were planned in the same area, so this area has one and only one default cluster, other clusters are non-default clusters.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

In Huawei distributed storage, SCSI volumes with multiple mount points are called shared volumes, and iSCSI volumes are shared volumes. In order to support the backup capability of shared volumes, the block service also supports snapshots of shared volumes, and the snapshot process of shared volumes is the same as that of ordinary volumes.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

0 belongs to any of them

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